ホーム の中の 取材報告 の中の RSNA2009の中の Awards−Education Award Winnersが発表される


Education Award Winnersが発表される

RSNA2009 [第4日目:12月2日(水)]

RSNA 2009の4日目となる12月2日午後,Education Award Winnersが発表された。Suma Cum Laudeは,Oliver Johannes Bott らの“Simulation-based C-arm Fluoroscopy Training to Help Improve Image Quality and Radiation Protection”(LL-IN3526)。日本からは,6題がCum Laudeを受賞した(編集部調べ)。

Awards掲出作業の様子 Awards発表後に集まる人々
Awards掲出作業の様子 Awards発表後に集まる人々

 ■ Summa Cum Laude
 ■ Magna Cum Laude
 ■ Cum Laude
 ■ Certificate of Merit
 ■ Excellence in Design

●日本人のCum Laude受賞者

 “Malignancy Grading of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Liver-specific Contrast Agent and Hemodynamic Alteration”(LL-GI2721)

“Malignancy Grading of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Liver-specific Contrast Agent and Hemodynamic Alteration”(LL-GI2721)

・新津 守先生(首都大学東京)ほか
   “Real-time Virtual Sonography of the Musculoskeletal System: Simultaneous Display of the Sonogram and 3 T MRI”(LL-MK2447)

“Real-time Virtual Sonography of the Musculoskeletal System: Simultaneous Display of the Sonogram and 3 T MRI”(LL-MK2447)

   “New Role of Sentinel Node Mapping Using 3D SEPCT-CT Fusion Imaging in Oral Cavity Cancer”( LL-NM2310)

“New Role of Sentinel Node Mapping Using 3D SEPCT-CT Fusion Imaging in Oral Cavity Cancer”( LL-NM2310)

・兵頭かずさ 先生(札幌医科大学)ほか
   “Nontraumatic Spinal Injury: Clinical Distinction and Image Findings”(LL-NR5102)

“Nontraumatic Spinal Injury: Clinical Distinction and Image Findings”(LL-NR5102)

   “Internal Hernias after the Abdominal Surgeries: Imaging Spectrum in the Multidetector CT”(LL-GI3720)

“Internal Hernias after the Abdominal Surgeries: Imaging Spectrum in the Multidetector CT”(LL-GI3720)

  “Uncommon Ovarian Teratomas: Imaging Findings and Pathologic Correlation”(LL-OB4765)

“Uncommon Ovarian Teratomas: Imaging Findings and Pathologic Correlation”(LL-OB4765)
