RSNA2019 Education Exhibit Awards発表,日本からは久野博文氏ら,堀内沙矢氏らの2演題がMagna Cum Laudeを受賞(日本人受賞者リスト掲載)


Magna Cum Laudeを発表するJackson大会長

Magna Cum Laudeを発表するJackson大会長

RSNA 2019の4日目となる12月4日(水),Wednesday Plenary Sessionの中でAnnouncement of Education Exhibit Awardsが設けられ,Valerie P. Jackson大会長からMagna Cum Laudeの受賞者が発表された。

日本からの演題では,国立がん研究センター東病院の久野博文氏らの“Navigation Map for Head and Neck Cancer: Anatomical Routes of Tumor Spread at the Crossroads of the Neck”(NR327-ED-SUA10),聖路加国際病院の堀内沙矢氏らの“There is No 3 Physiological Narrowings in the Upper Urinary Tract: A Cutting-Edge Concept of the Retroperitoneal Anatomy Around the Ureter”(UR154-ED-X)が選出された。

そのほか,日本からおよび日本人の演題として,梅原健輔氏ら(IN140-ED-SUB6),岡田尚也氏ら(GI312-ED-WEA16),半田淳比古氏ら(MK113-ED-X),堀田昌利氏ら(NM101-ED-X),太田義明氏(NR183-ED-X),久保優子氏ら(NR194-ED-X),稲田 智氏ら(VI104-ED-X)が,Cum Laudeを受賞した。


●Magna Cum Laude
●Cum Laude
●Certificate of Merit
●Trainee Research Prize - Resident


●Magna Cum Laude

“Navigation Map for Head and Neck Cancer: Anatomical Routes of Tumor Spread at the Crossroads of the Neck”
久野博文 氏ほか(国立がん研究センター東病院)

“Navigation Map for Head and Neck Cancer: Anatomical Routes of Tumor Spread at the Crossroads of the Neck” 久野博文氏ほか(国立がん研究センター東病院)


“Navigation Map for Head and Neck Cancer: Anatomical Routes of Tumor Spread at the Crossroads of the Neck” 久野博文氏ほか(国立がん研究センター東病院)


“There is No 3 Physiological Narrowings in the Upper Urinary Tract: A Cutting-Edge Concept of the Retroperitoneal Anatomy Around the Ureter”
堀内沙矢 氏ほか(聖路加国際病院)

“There is No 3 Physiological Narrowings in the Upper Urinary Tract: A Cutting-Edge Concept of the Retroperitoneal Anatomy Around the Ureter”


“There is No 3 Physiological Narrowings in the Upper Urinary Tract: A Cutting-Edge Concept of the Retroperitoneal Anatomy Around the Ureter”


●Cum Laude

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Imaging for Ultra-Fast MRI: Cutting-Edge Technology and Clinical Application
梅原健輔  氏ほか(量子科学技術研究開発機構 放射線医学総合研究所)
Kensuke Umehara|Tatsuya Nishii|Junko Ota|Naoki Ishimaru|Wataru Ueki|Hisateru Ohba|Takayuki Obata|Tetsuya Fukuda|Takayuki Ishida

IN140-ED-SUB6 梅原健輔氏ほか


Extranodal Extension Grading Atlas to Decide the Multimodal Treatment Strategy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
岡田尚也 氏ほか(手稲渓仁会病院)
Naoya Okada|Mototaka Miyake

GI312-ED-WEA16 岡田尚也氏ほか


The Art of Radiology: Can You Diagnose Aunt Minnie in Skeletal Dysplasias?
半田淳比古 氏ほか(University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine)
Atsuhiko Handa|Gen Nishimira Kiyose

MK113-ED-X 半田淳比古氏ほか


*Award: Identified for RadioGraphicsも受賞
Radionuclide Imaging of Cardiac Amyloidosis and Sarcoidosis: Demonstration of SPECT and PET Images Using Various Radiotracers
堀田昌利 氏ほか(国立国際医療研究センター病院)
Masatoshi Hotta|Ryogo Minamimoto

NM101-ED-X 堀田昌利氏ほか


Usual and Unusual MR Imaging Findings of Wernicke's Encephalopathy
太田義明 氏ほか〔京都府立医科大学(現・ミシガン大学)〕
Yoshiaki Ota|Atsuhiko Handa|Toshio Moritani|Ashok Srinivasan|John Kim|Kei Yamada

NR183-ED-X 太田義明氏


Salivary Gland Cancers: Radiological Features with Histological Correlation
久保優子 氏ほか(国立がん研究センター中央病院)
Yuko Kubo|Masahiko Kusumoto|Taisuke Mori|Go Omura|Seiichi Yoshimoto|Yoshitaka Honma|Naoya Murakami|Jun Itami|Tetauo Akimoto

NR194-ED-X 久保優子氏ほか


Subtraction CT Angiography of Peripheral Artery with Orbital Synchronized Helical Scanning Using Characteristic of Organ-Based Tube Current Modulation
稲田 智 氏ほか(県立広島病院)
Satoshi Inada|Masashi Takahashi|Tsuyoshi Kagimoto|Tomohiro Murakami|Erika Tamai|Naohiro Yamagami

VI104-ED-X 稲田 智氏ほか


●Certificate of Merit

Side Effects of Molecular Target Drugs and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in the Era of Precision Medicine: What Should Radiologists Know?
黒川真理子 氏ほか(東京都立駒込病院)
Mariko Kurokawa|Ryo Kurokawa

*Award: Identified for RadioGraphicsも受賞
Recognizing Radiation-Induced Changes in the Central Nervous System: Where and What to Look For
桂 正樹 氏ほか(東京大学)
Masaki Katsura|Jiro Sato|Masaaki Akahane|Harushi Mori|Osamu Abe

"Virtual Planar Image" Reconstructed from SPECT Data: How to Process and Its Clinical Feasibility
井元 晃 氏ほか(国立循環器病研究センター病院)
Akira Imoto|Keisuke Kiso|Emi Tateishi|Yoshifumi Nouno|Yusuke Terakawa|Masaji Fukumoto|Kazuto Harumoto|Tatsuya Nishii|Atsushi K. Kuno|Yasutoshi Ohta|Tetsuya Fukuda

Generative Adversarial Networks Showcase: Their Mechanisms and Radiological Applications
小田昌宏 氏ほか(名古屋大学)
Masahiro Oda|Hirihisa Oda|Kanako K.Kumamaru|Shigeki Aoki|Hiroshi Natori|Kensaku Mori|Masaki Mori|Hirotsugu Takabatake

Development of Accuracy Guarantee System using Deep Learning in Radiography
渡部晴之 氏ほか(群馬県立県民健康科学大学)
Haruyuki Watanabe|Aya Sakaguchi|Hideyoshi Mitsutake|Kiyoshi Uchiyama|Yongbum Lee|Norio Hayashi|Masayuki Shimosegawa|Nobuyoshi Tanki|Kaori Akutsu|Sae Tamura

Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated by Proton Beam Therapy: What Radiologists Should Know
高橋宏彰 氏ほか(メイヨークリニック)
Hiroaki Takahashi|Takashi Hiyama|Yuta Sekino|Toshiyuki Okumura|Hirofumi Kuno|Katsuhiro Nasu|Kensaku Mori|Kuniaki Fukuda|Takashi Iizumi|Sota Masuoka|Takahiro Hosokawa|Hideyuki Sakurai|Manabu Minami

Spectrum of CT Findings in Amebic Colitis
田中絵里子 氏ほか(昭和大学藤が丘病院)
Nobuyuki Takeyama|Yuki Tashiro|Akiko Kotake|Kyoko Nagai|Yoshihiro Hori|Tashi Hashimoto|Yoshimitsu Ohgiya

How to Interpret Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Acute Gastrointestinal Lesions: Correlation with Pathophysiology
井上明星 氏ほか〔東近江総合医療センター(現・メイヨー・クリニック)〕
Shinichi Ota|Kai Takai|Norihisa Nitta|Yugo Imai|Tatsuya Oki|Akira Furukawa

Morphometric Changes and Imaging Findings of Diffuse Liver Disease in Relation to Intrahepatic Hemodynamics
尾崎公美 氏ほか(福井大学)
Kazuto Kozaka|Hirohiko Kimura|Toshifumi Gabata|Osamu Matsui

Pearls and Pitfalls of Imaging Features of Pancreatic Cystic Lesions: A Case-Based Approach
尾崎公美 氏ほか(福井大学) 
Kumi Ozaki | Kazuya Maeda | Yasuharu Kaizaki | Hirohiko Kimura, MD, PhD | Toshifumi Gabata, MD, PhD

Multimodality Imaging of Abdominal Neoplasms with Tumor Thrombus: What Radiologists Should Know
南口貴世介 氏ほか(奈良県立医科大学)
Nagaaki Marugami|Hideki Kunichika|Kentaro Ishida|Tetsuya Tachiiri|Junko Takahama|Kimihiko Kichikawa

Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: Preliminary Observations and Challenges
河本里美 氏ほか(Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine)

Real-time Skull Radiographic Simulator Based on Optical Tracking System for the Education and Training of Less-Experienced Radiology Personnel
Yongsu Yoon 氏ほか(九州大学)
Byunghun Cho|Masatoshi Eto|Junji Morishita

CT Imaging of the Tendon with Model-based Iterative Reconstruction: Can it be Completely Visualized?
丸野達也 氏ほか(済生会熊本病院)
Takashi Okigawa|Akihiko Arakawa|Daichi Noto

Can Superior Visualization CT-Angiography Replace and Overwhelm Conventional Angiography? The Pre-Operative Assessment of Endovascular Treatment with Quarter Millimeter Isotropic Data Sets
鷲塚冬記 氏ほか(東邦大学医療センター大森病院)
Hideharu Nakao|Masahiro Kobayashi|Kentaro Tamura|Masasaki Hori|Nobuyuki Shiraga

Diagnosis of Fevers of Unknown Origin (FUO) Based on Guidelines: What Radiologists Should Know
米今知佐 氏ほか(奈良県立医科大学)
Nagaaki Marugami|Junko Takahara|Tetsuya Tachiiri|Satoshi Yamauchi|Toshiko Hirai|Kimihiko Kichikawa

FDG PET/CT Findings of Hepatic Tumor and Tumor-like Lesions Based on Molecule Background
尾崎公美 氏ほか(福井大学)
Kenichi Harada|Norihide Yoneda|Hirohiko Kimura|Toshifumi Gabata|Osamu Matsui

Temporal Bone Imaging: Great Advantages of Ultra-HRCT
山城恒雄 氏ほか(琉球大学)
Hayato Tomita|Mikio Suzuki|Sadayuki Murayama

Head and Neck Imaging Manifestations of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
菊地智博 氏ほか(自治医科大学)
Hiroyuki Fujii|Akifumi Fujita|Naoki Kunimoto|Nana FUjii|Hideharu Sugimoto

Gadolinium Deposition in the Brain and Glymphatic System
田岡俊昭 氏ほか(名古屋大学)
Rintaro Ito|Rei Nakamichi|Toshiki Nakane|Hisashi Kawai|Shinji Naganawa

Beware the Trunk Abnormalities Associated with the Characteristical Head and Neck Lesions
栗原宜子 氏ほか(町田市民病院)
Atsuko Fujikawa|Hayato Tomita|Natsuki Tachizawa|Toshinori Fukuda

Fractional Anisotropy Value May Predict the Long-term Treatment Effectiveness After Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor: How We Measure
堀 大樹 氏ほか(新百合ヶ丘総合病院)
Toshio Yamaguchi|Keiichi Abe|Takaomi Taira

Imaging of Teeth Abnormalities: How Radiologists Can Contribute
伊東浩太郎 氏ほか(日本大学松戸歯学部)
Carlota Andreu Arasa|Hirotaka Muraoka|Anthony Mecham|Takashi Kaneda|Harprit S.Bedi|Osamu Sakai

Non-Primary Head and Neck Lesions: Imaging Feature of Metastasis to Head and Neck and Differential Diagnosis
内匠浩二 氏ほか(鹿児島大学病院)
Carlota Andreu Arasa|Aayushi Rai|Kotaro Ito|Noriyuki Fujima|Harprit S.Bedi|Osamu Sakai

* Award: Identified for RadioGraphicsも受賞
Teratoma: Various Manifestations and Complications
齋田 司 氏ほか(筑波大学)
Hiroyuki Ochi|Toshitaka Ishiguro|Masafumi Sakai|Sodai Hoshiai|Tadashi Hara|Toyomi Satoh|Manabu Minami

*Award: Identified for RadioGraphicsも受賞
Stop the Recurrence! Predisposing Conditions of Bacterial Meningitis in Pediatric Population: What Radiologists Need to Know
益岡壮太  氏ほか(日立総合病院)
Osamu Miyazaki|Shunsuke Nosaka|Yoshiyuki Tsutsumi|Mikiko Miyasaka|Reiko Okamoto|Masayuki Kitamura|Hiroaki Takahashi|Takashi Hiyama|Manabu Minami

Photon Counting Technique: How to Analyze a Novel Quantitative Image?
紀本夏実 氏ほか(金沢大学)
Hiroaki Hayashi|Takumi Asakawa|Takashi Asahara|Tetsuya Maeda|Akitoshi Katsumata|Yuki Kanazawa|Shuji Koyama|Shuichiro Yamamoto|Masahiro Okada

●Trainee Research Prize - Resident

Convolutional Neural Network for Respiratory Motion Artifact Reduction in Multiphasic Liver MRI: Network Architecture and Clinical Evaluation
Marie-Luise Kromrey(山梨大学:greifswald, germany)

